Former postdoc Dagmar Lyska and current Research Scientist Setsuko Wakao contributed to this PNAS paper, which shows that speeding up NPQ relaxation via ZEP overexpression can improve productivity in an alga.
Author: Krishna Niyogi
Paralog editing tunes rice stomatal density to maintain photosynthesis and improve drought tolerance
Postdoc Dhruv Patel-Tupper contributed to this paper in Plant Physiology, showing that editing of EPFL10, a STOMAGEN paralog, can decrease water loss in rice without a negative impact on CO2 assimilation.
Welcome to our newest Ph.D. student!
First-year MCB graduate student Erin NewRingeisen has joined the Niyogi lab after completing rotations. Welcome to the lab!
Rubredoxin 1 promotes the proper folding of D1 and is not required for heme b559 assembly in Chlamydomonas photosystem II
Congratulations to former Ph.D. student Robbie Calderon on his JBC paper providing new insights into the function of RBD1!
New Niyogi lab website is live!
Thanks to Cailyn Sakurai and former lab member Megan Ogburn for all their hard work in designing and launching our new website!
Dynamics of Rubisco regulation by sugar phosphate derivatives and their phosphatases
Former postdoc Chris Baker contributed to this review article that was published in the Jan. 11 issue of Journal of Experimental Botany.
Welcome new Ph.D. students!
First-year graduate students Efren Gonzalez, Karina Cunningham, and Tonio Chaparro have joined the Niyogi lab after completing their rotations in the fall semester. Welcome to the lab!
Congratulations, Dhruv, on receiving your Ph.D.!
Congratulations to our graduate student Dhruv Patel-Tupper for completing his Ph.D.! We are happy that you’re staying on as a postdoc in the lab for a few months before moving on to the next stage of your career.